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How does it work? More opportunities for students idea

It starts with you submitting your idea. If you have an idea for something you think would improve the student experience, you can submit your idea below.

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  • 4 score
    4 voters

    Cheaper parking/ better transit options

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    • Brock
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    • wellness
    Parking is so inordinately bad at Brock and I don't know why. I have never seen Lot B completely full, it gets 1/3 full on a good day. To be clear, I hate car-centrism. However, a lot of that is a problem with how our ridiculous city is built. There is no reason why Brock's parking is so high, especially in the far parking lots. There at least needs to be a diversity of rates. Sure, keep Lot A $13 a day but make Lot B $4 or less. We pay so much for tuition plus so many ancillary fees, there's no reason why parking shouldn't be part of it. Time should also be a factor. There's no reason why parking is $13 in the day but then free after 6 p.m. Like just change the rates based on how busy it is on a given day or time. If Brock really wants to disincentivize driving, then they need to invest and advocate more for the region's transit system. Free bussing is great, but it doesn't matter to a lot of students bc it would take over an hour plus 2 or more transfers to get to Brock. Increasing the amount of direct bussing would be a terrific benefit to many students, especially those living outside St. Catharines. Or at least give students the option of whether they get the free bus pass or so many free parking days a year. As it stands, Brock's transit system is inadequate. Better parking or better transit, but it can't be neither.
Rachel Taylor
7:20am on 11 Feb 25 Unfortunately the bus pass isn’t free! You have to pay $325 in your tuition fee for it. This is extremely frustrating as someone who lives outside of St Catharines- I don’t even need the bus! When I asked to opt out of the bus pass because I wouldn’t be using it, they told me that wasn’t possible.

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