Hi, Badgers!

We are Brock University Students' Union, but our friends call us BUSU! Our mission is to provide the best experience possible for the undergraduate students of Brock. Want to know how we do this?


Test Election

This election is to test a new voting system for BUSU elections. Log in at the top right of this site and vote for the test candidates below.

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 18 August 2024 (in 3 weeks and 1 days)

The polls open at 00:01 on Thursday 19 June 2025 (in 46 weeks and 4 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.
Candidate List
See who's running for each post and read their manifestos.




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Find out more about your representatives and some of the hundreds of students who work to provide the undergraduate students of Brock with the best experience possible.

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