What's On

We will be back with events for Brock students in September starting with BadgerFest - our week long Welcome festival! Stay tuned as we roll out event announcements below and follow us on Instagram @BrockBUSU.

BUSU Carnival

Boomer with Zoom app Late Night Study Drive Home Program
24th November - 19th December
General | App | Newsletter
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
4th December
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App
Submissions Open for Brock's Got Talent
13th December - 15th January
Apply Online!
Featured | Newsletter
Posters on show in Union Station during poster fair Poster Fair
6th January
Union Station
General | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
9th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Frost Week
13th-17th January
Frost Week BUSU Events
General | App
Clubs Fair
14th January
Union Station
General | Clubs | Frost Week | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
14th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Frost Week | Trivia | App
Sexy Bingo
14th January
General | Isaac's | Frost Week | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
15th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Ice Skating at Canada Games
15th January
Canada Games Park
General | Frost Week | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
16th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Frost Week | App
Campus Discs
20th January
Union Station
General | App
Brock's Got Talent Live - Heat One
21st January
Union Station Food Court
Cheer on your fellow Badgers and vote, vote, vote - It's Brock's Got Talented hosted by BrockTV!!
General | Social Enterprises | Isaac's | BrockTV | Brocks Got Talent | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
21st January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
22nd January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Brock's Got Talent Live - Heat Two
22nd January
Union Station Food Court
Cheer on your fellow Badgers and vote, vote, vote - It's Brock's Got Talented hosted by BrockTV!!
General | Social Enterprises | Isaac's | BrockTV | Brocks Got Talent | App
Housing Expo
22nd January
General | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
23rd January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Free Waffle Bar
27th January
Union Station
General | Free Breakfast | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
28th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
29th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Free Sandwich Bar
29th January
General | Free Breakfast | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
30th January
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Paint brush covered in paint Paint It Your Way
3rd February
General | Isaac's | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
4th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
5th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
6th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
11th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
12th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Late Night Poutine & Vote-a-thon!
12th February
Union Station
Vote in your student election and head to Union Station to pick up your 'I Voted' sticker and enjoy FREE Poutine!
General | App | Elections
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
13th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
19th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Start a Club Info Session
25th February
Club House (Thistle 252A)
General | Clubs | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
25th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
26th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Your Voice | App | Newsletter
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
27th February
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Puppy Social
3rd March
Kenmore Centre Room 120
General | Wellness Week | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
4th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | Wellness Week | App
Unwind Wednesday
5th March
Union Station
Wellness Week
General | Wellness Week | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
6th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
11th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
13th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
18th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Campus Discs
20th March
Union Station
General | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
25th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
27th March
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App
Free pasta event happening in Union Station Free Pasta Bar
31st March
Union Station
General | Free Breakfast | App
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
1st April
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | Trivia | App
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
3rd April
Isaac's Lounge
General | Isaac's | App