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President's Monthly Update March 2025

Completion of AVP Alumni & Development
Before the winter break, Brock reached out to me to participate in the hiring committee for the Associate Vice President, Alumni and Development position. All committee meetings concluded in February. It was an honor to provide the student perspective throughout the process and contribute to the discussions. We are now awaiting the final decision.

Student Alumni Centre
All has been going well; we have heard some exciting news from TD. The project is continuously getting one step closer everyday, which is very exciting.

The BUSU team continues to work with Brock University and the architects on the building’s design, with demolition set for August 2025 and construction beginning in Fall 2025 for a Fall 2027 opening.

This project will be going to the Board of Trustees for a final approval for the land, as the building will be built on Brock university property.

I am very grateful to have had VPUA Carleigh Charlton, and the BUSU Management Team- Robert Hilson, Kate Swiatek, Dave O’Connor, Ron Bauman, Kayleigh Rossetto, Jessie Reid, and Tanbirul Isam, as part of this amazing project.

Isaacs Alumni Event
As part of the new building project, two events were planned.

The first was an alumni gathering on March 8 at Isaac’s. We had about 198 tickets sold on Eventbrite and had some walk-ins. As a rough number, we had 215 Alumni come down to celebrate Isaacs

It was great to see many alumni return, share their memories, and reflect on how things have changed over the years. Hearing their experiences was both insightful and inspiring.

A huge thank you to The BUSU Food and Beverage Team, and the Marketing and Events Team for making this event a success.

Upcoming Student Event
A student event is set for March 27 to celebrate the end of the academic year and to celebrate Isaac’s before demolition. It will be a DJ night, and I encourage everyone to spread the word and promote it among students. The Executive team would really like to make this a memorable event.

I am very grateful to have all the executive’s hands on deck for this event.

The BUSU Marketing and Events Team - Jessie Reid, Dayna Hunsburger, Celyn Talaue, and the Brock TV team for all their efforts to make this event successful.

Omnibus Agreement
BUSU is working with Brock University on renewing the Brock-BUSU Omnibus Agreement, which outlines key aspects of our relationship, including space, liquor licenses, ancillary fees, insurance, clubs, and events.

Thank you to VPUA Carleigh Charlton, BUSU General Manager Robert Hilson and BUSU Assistant General Manager Kate Swiatek for all their support and efforts in this project.

BUSU Senate, Board, and Executive Elections
Senate, Board, and Brock Press elections concluded on February 13.

Heartiest Congratulations to all students who got elected! Really wishing them all the best for a great academic year to all!

A huge thank you to Kayleigh Rossetto, Kate Swiatek, Patricia General, Jessie Reid, and the Elections & Referendum Committee for all their hard work and efforts, in making sure all went well for the campaigning and voting period.

Events Since My Return:

  • Paint It Your Way- Another great event, we had about 130 tickets sold out, out of which 90 students were in attendance.
  • LEGO Gram- This was a great event; it was lovely to see all the Lego ideas students had! We had a total of 130 students.
  • Connections Café – Led by our VPSS, Shinaya Peiris, as part of her goal, this event was a great success with 97 students in attendance. It was heartening to see so many students connect, make new friends, and engage in fun activities together. Attendees enjoyed a variety of creative and interactive experiences, including bracelet making, cookie decorating, painting, and a range of exciting games.
  • Drag Brunch and Learn- This was a free food and learn event, it was also a good event, we had a total of 85 students in attendance.
  • Karaoke Night- This night is always fun and engaging for students. We had about 80 or more students in attendance.

Wellness Week

  • Puppy Social- This event was held at Kenmore Centre, with 300 students in attendance.
  • Free Poutine Night- This was a busy night at union station, we had about 345 students in attendance.
  • Unwind Wednesday- This event took place at Union station, a free drop in event which included several recreational games – such as ping pong tables, pool table, arcade racing games, air hockey table, and as escape room. We also had our vendor, we got game at the event, who organized a friendly video game competition.

Trivia Tuesdays
Attendance has been consistently strong, like last semester. Engagement has been great and its amazing to see Isaacs filled with students, on Tuesday evenings.

Upcoming Event – Pizza with Politicians
This event, which was part of our events last year, is coming back on March 13th.

Pizza with Politicians, is a platform for student to come out and speak to politicians to understand and learn more about how the government moves forward.

 Politicians have provided us with confirmations, and all logistics for the event are set.

A big thank you to Shinaya Peiris (VPSS), Celyn Talaue (Events Manager), Jessie Reid (Director, Marketing & Events), and Dayna (Communications Manager) for all their support and efforts in organizing this event.

I have attached the event details. If you are interested, I encourage you to reserve a spot and help spread the word among students.

LINK:  Pizza with Politicians

Transition Planning
The executive team has now met three times to discuss the transition process. We have outlined the meetings we’d like to include and are reaching out to the necessary stakeholders to schedule them. Each executive is preparing their transition document to ensure a smooth handover for the next team’s success.

Food First Update
While I was away, Carleigh Charlton (VPUA) has been working with Christian Santesso (GSA President) have been working closely with Brad Clarke (AVP, Students and Acting Associate Vice-President, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion), Ron Bauman (Senior Manager, Partnerships & Services) and Jennifer Meuser (GSA Executive Director) to address concerns regarding Food First. These discussions have been productive, and meaningful changes are being implemented.

We aim to finalize these updates by April to ensure they are in place for the next academic year. I look forward to providing a final update at the April board meeting.

Brock Masjid Opening
Brock has recently opened a dedicated Masjid prayer space for students, located in the Thistle Complex across from Market Hall.

We were honored to be invited to the opening ceremony, and it was truly heartwarming to witness such an addition to campus. This is a significant step towards inclusivity and providing necessary resources for students of all faiths.

Student Absence Self-Declaration Form – Senate Approval
As mentioned in the last board meeting, the Student Medical Self-Declaration Form has now been updated to the Student Absence Self-Declaration Form.

This change allows students to use the form for physical or mental health reasons, personal matters, or extenuating circumstances. The form has been officially approved by the Senate and is now active for this semester.

I am working with our Director of Marketing and Events, to spread the word to the students, along with a set of FAQs. I would greatly appreciate your help in sharing this information with students.

Cycle 3 – CIC Meeting + Board of Trustees
The Cycle 3 Capital Infrastructure Committee meeting took place last week, where the Student Alumni Centre project was presented as an information item. The feedback from both the Board and the committee was positive. They are now hoping for us bring it to either a special meeting or the May 1 Cycle 4 meeting for final approval.

Elections Ontario – Politicians Tabling
The Ontario elections concluded on February 27.

About eight candidates participated in a tabling event at Union Station. While student turnout was lower than expected, it was still a valuable opportunity to bring political engagement to campus.

OUSA Spring GA 2025
OUSA’s Spring General Assembly concluded on March 9.

Mark Chrabalowski, VPEA and Carleigh Charlton, VPUA along with 7 delegates attended the OUSA Spring General Assembly 2025.

Mark Chrabalowski, VPEA, along with other student union executives, contributed to the Tech-Enabled Learning policy paper.

Both policy papers, discussed were approved at plenary:

a. Tech Enabled Learning Paper

b. Comprehensive Access Strategy Paper

 Office Hours and IG Lives
Our executive team’s communication with students continues as planned through office hours and Instagram Lives.

However, office hour attendance has been low, with little to no engagement. I am considering ways to make this more approachable for next year and will pass along recommendations to the next team.


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