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BUSU Leads the Charge on Student Issues while Hosting the 2024 OUSA General Assembly

Brock University Students’ Union Vice-President, University Affairs Carleigh Charlton, pictured left, accepted a 2024 Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Award for Excellence in Student Advocacy during the OUSA Partners in Higher Education dinner on April 10 in Toronto. Carleigh is pictured with Vivian Chiem, OUSA President, and Vice-President of Government and Stakeholder Relations at Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union (WLUSU) (Center), and Dr. Adrienne Galway, Executive Director, ONCAT (The Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer) (Right).


The Brock University Students’ Union (BUSU) is gearing up to host the 2024 Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) 60th Fall General Assembly (GA) from Oct. 24 to 27, taking place at Brock University. The event will bring together students from across Ontario, providing a critical platform for discussing issues that affect post-secondary students.

The OUSA GA unites student executives from 10 member institutions, representing over 150,000 undergraduate and professional students. Delegates will address challenges and opportunities, including affordability, access, and overall student well-being. OUSA’s advocacy is grounded in creating student-driven, evidence-based policy recommendations to better the lives of university students across the province.

OUSA advocates for post-secondary students from diverse academic backgrounds. OUSA’s mission is clear: to represent the interests of Ontario’s university students and push for positive changes in higher education. The organization is known for its robust, research-backed approach to influencing public policy.

“OUSA’s strength lies in the fact that the policy recommendations are not only deeply rooted in evidence, they are student-driven,” said BUSU President Anusha Pahuja. “This assembly allows us to present a united front, advocating for the needs of all students across the province.”

The GA is one of the highlights of OUSA’s annual schedule, where representatives from its member schools deliberate on key issues. The event serves as a platform for open debate, collaboration, and the development of policy papers that will inform OUSA’s future lobbying efforts. These papers play a pivotal role in shaping the organization's policy direction on issues such as student financial aid, mental health resources, and accessibility.

This year, BUSU’s student executive team will host the assembly at Brock, with the hope of amplifying the unique challenges faced by Brock students. The team consists of Anusha Pahuja, BUSU President; Mark Chrabalowski, Vice-President, External Affairs; Carleigh Charlton, Vice-President, University Affairs; and Shinaya Peiris, Vice-President, Student Services.

“Hosting this event gives us the chance to bring Brock’s voice to the provincial stage,” said Chrabalowski. “Brock students have a lot to contribute to the broader conversation about post-secondary education in Ontario, and this assembly is the perfect opportunity to share our concerns and ideas.”

Being the host institution also allows the student union’s executives to showcase BUSU’s innovative approaches to student services and advocacy while facilitating discussions on pressing provincial matters.

Some of the central topics up for debate during this Fall’s assembly include student financial aid, environmental sustainability, and the much-anticipated Blue-Ribbon Panel on university funding reform.


Rising tuition fees and the cost of living continue to be significant barriers for many students in Ontario. Delegates will discuss a paper outlining how the government could improve tuition funding support, potential reforms to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), along with recommendations for more equitable funding for Ontario students. 

With growing awareness of climate change, universities are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their environmental footprint. The paper discussed in the environmental sustainability session encourages the government of Ontario to assist with the development of green campus ecosystems, green transportation, clean waste management, and sustainable resource procurement. 

A recent provincial initiative, the Ontario Government’s Blue Ribbon Panel aims to review and reform university funding models. Student leaders at the OUSA GA will weigh in on a paper requesting that the government of Ontario provide institutions with more encapsulating institutional support, improve upon strategic mandate agreements, and promote the maintenance of student facilities.

“These are issues that deeply impact students' lives,” said Carleigh Charlton, Vice-President, University Affairs. “By addressing them head-on at the General Assembly, we are able to put together recommendations that represent the voices of students across the province and bring them to the leaders who represent them, creating real tangible changes.”

For BUSU, this assembly is more than just a gathering of student leaders—it is an opportunity to set a forward-thinking agenda that prioritizes student well-being, inclusivity, and sustainability.

"We are incredibly excited to work with OUSA and the other student associations to advocate for a more accessible, equitable, and sustainable future," said Shinaya Peiris, Vice-President, Student Services. "This is about making a lasting impact that benefits not only Brock students but all students across Ontario."

BUSU’s team is committed to advocating for these changes, with a focus on enhancing access to education, improving campus mental health supports, and promoting environmentally conscious practices. Their participation in the OUSA GA signals a continued dedication to ensuring that student voices are heard loud and clear, both within Brock and across the province.

Students interested in learning more about the OUSA GA and the issues being discussed or wishing to support BUSU’s advocacy efforts are encouraged to visit the BUSU website for more information on student representatives and their portfolios at


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