Events in December

Forthcoming Events

Mon 6th January

Posters on show in Union Station during poster fair Poster Fair
11am - 7pm
Union Station

Wed 8th January

Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
10am - 11am
Isaac's Lounge

Thu 9th January

Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
3pm - 7pm
Isaac's Lounge

Mon 13th January

Frost Week
13th January 10am - 17th January 3pm
Frost Week BUSU Events
Pottery Painting & Pizza
7:30pm - 10pm

Tue 14th January

students holding free grab & go breakfast items in Union Station Free Grab & Go Breakfast
8:30am - 10:30am
Union Station
Clubs Fair
11am - 4pm
Union Station
Students playing trivia in Isaacs Tuesday Trivia
5pm - 7pm
Isaac's Lounge
Sexy Bingo
8pm - 10pm

Wed 15th January

students holding free grab & go breakfast items in Union Station Free Grab & Go Breakfast
8:30am - 10:30am
Union Station
Student Executives sit in Isaac's Lounge discussing student advocacy during Office Hours. BUSU Executive Office Hours
10am - 11am
Isaac's Lounge
Ice Skating at Canada Games
10am - 2pm
Canada Games Park

Thu 16th January

Free hot breakfast Free Hot Breakfast
7:30am - 10:30am
Union Station
Brews and Board Games at Isaac's Brews & Board Games
3pm - 7pm
Isaac's Lounge

Mon 20th January

Campus Discs
9:30am - 3:30pm
Union Station
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