
Candidate for the position of Vice President University Affairs Advisory Committee

Image for Hannah Osmond

Hannah Osmond

Hello Everyone! My name is Hannah Osmond and I am entering my third year of the Concurrent Education Primary/Junior program at Brock! Ever since my first year at Brock University I have been drawn to the experiences BUSU has to offer. In my first year I attended Welcome Week where I was introduced to Brock’s Student Union. From then on, I have attended BUSU events and used a variety of BUSU services. There is a very good chance you have seen me singing my heart out at BUSU karaoke nights where my friends and I are often shouted out for bringing the energy! In the past two years, I have also greatly benefitted from BUSU Clubs. I am involved in many BUSU clubs including the Concurrent Education Student Association (CESA), Brock CHYS Association and was a founder of the Brock Social Knitwork. Through these events and clubs, BUSU has given me an outlet to express myself and find connections with like minded individuals I wouldn’t have otherwise met. Therefore, I would love the opportunity to assist in creating and improving the spaces that have been so kind to me throughout my university experience thus far. By being a part of BUSU committees such as the Clubs Advisory Committee and the Vice president University Affairs Advisory I can actively be a part of the change I would like to see at Brock. These committees would also give me an outlet to advocate for voices that are not often heard in hopes to continue making Brock a positive and inclusive space for all. In addition, I also had the pleasure of sitting on the Clubs Policy Committee which is now known as the Clubs Advisory Committee. During my time sitting on this committee, I discovered a new found passion for policy and gained deeper insight into the inner workings of clubs at Brock. I would love the chance to continue my time on BUSU committees to continue to improve student spaces by making choices and improvements to clubs that benefit the student population as a whole.