Where to find us?
Club House
The Club House is located in Thistle252A beside the Scotiabank.
Click here to download a .pdf version of the map
Office hours Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(excluding lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.)
BUSU Office
The BUSU Offices are located in the Student Alumni Building.
Office hours Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(excluding lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.)
Directions for parking at BUSU or Find the BUSU Offices
Club Partnership
BUSU loves to collaborate with clubs to bring their event ideas to life. Have an event? Fill out the Clubs Partnership Form to request a BUSU and BUSU Clubs partnership.
If you have any questions, reach out the the Clubs Manager via email at clubsmgr@brockbusu.ca.
Clubs partnership package detailing expectations of partnership between BUSU and Clubs can be found here.
Partnerships Outside of Brock University
Partnerships is another great way to raise funds for your club. Below are some tips and tricks to assist you when seeking partnerships.
- Understand what you have to offer
- Create a wish list of partners, once created send to the Clubs Manager
- Contact the right person from the company
- Build a relationship with your partner
- Know the partner’s marketing objectives
- Keep your proposal short and sweet
- Be sure to get any transaction in writing
- Follow up with partners
- Be sure to say Thank You
Clubs can create one (1) promo video for free with the help from BrockTV. Please use the Video Requests page on the BrockTV website to arrange your club promo video.
As a club leader, your hours can be used towards your Campus Wide Co-Curriculum and your Co-Curricular Record. Both of these can be used to show future employers of the experience you have gained outside of the classroom.
Club Lockers
Clubs are allowed one (1) locker free of charge to house their club items on campus. All club lockers are located in Welch Hall. Please visit the BUSU office reception desk to sign up for a club locker.
The BUSU office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (excluding holidays).
HRE & Accessibility
For more information, please visit Human Rights and Equity and/or Student Wellness and Accessibility.
Contact Us
Chloe Villers
Clubs Manager
Jamie Wong
Clubs Administrator
Shinaya Peiris
Vice-President, Student Services
Tatiana Grilo
Clubs Coordinator
Co-Curricular Engagement Coordinator